In the final episode, Goodbyeee, Blackadder attempts to feign madness by wearing underpants on his head and sticking two pencils up his nose. CAPTAIN DARLING WAS NAMED BY STEPHEN FRY. Tony Robinson, who played Private Baldrick, later claimed that 'the writers felt we were unilaterally altering the script for the worse' and that 'by the end, they felt we had run away with it.' 2. The established cast-which featured several comic writer-performers, including Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, and Rowan Atkinson-were more prone to question and alter the script, which writers Richard Curtis and Ben Elton felt was unproductive. One of the things everyone working on previous series of Blackadder said they enjoyed was the camaraderie of the show, so it may have been a shock to all involved when things started to get tense on Blackadder Goes Forth. But while those final moments are seared into the collective memory of comedy fans worldwide, there's still a lot about them-and the rest of Blackadder Goes Forth (which is currently streaming for American audiences on Hulu)-that you might not know.
Set largely in the trenches of World War I, Blackadder Goes Forth might be the most popular of the four seasons of Blackadder, not least of which is because of a now-legendary emotional final scene which paid tribute to the soldiers who gave their lives during the conflict.